Course of study

The rhythm of study and the obligations of students

  • Conditions for progression through study, enrolment in the next semester, that is, the next year of study
  • prerequisites for entering a particular subject or group of subjects

According to the study program and the performance plan, the study is structured in six semesters: the first two semesters students listen to classes in compulsory and elective courses. From the first semester, the student begins scientific research, which continuously continues until the end of the study and the completion of the doctoral thesis. During the fourth and fifth semesters, the student participates in extracurricular activities in addition to scientific work. In the sixth semester, the student is dedicated to completing his doctoral thesis. Classes are conducted in the form of lectures, consultations, experimental exercises and research seminars.
For admission of the third year, the student must earn 90 points. For the transition to the sixth semester, 120 ECTS must be achieved. The part-time form of part-time studies is intended for phD candidates employed outside the system of science and higher education, and the applicants who will study throughout the working hours are full-time students.
When enrolling in a full-time study program, the student is obliged to obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Science within six years, i.e. in part time within eight years.

System of counseling and guidance through the study, the way of selecting students, the obligations of study advisors and doctoral thesis leaders and doctoral candidates

The Doctoral Study of Molecular Biosciences is based on a mentoring system and the Committee for obtaining a Doctorate of Science at the interdisciplinary doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences at the beginning of the study appoints each student a study advisor (mentor) with the aim of better connecting the student with teachers.
A study advisor may be a teacher in the scientific and teaching title of full-time, associate professor or assistant professor, or in an equivalent scientific title. As a rule, the study consultant must be involved in a scientific research project and participate in the teaching of the doctoral study.
The obligation of the study advisor is to monitor and guide students, provide assistance in the selection of elective courses, involvement in scientific research work and proposing and submitting a topic application and drafting a doctoral thesis. In addition to the study advisor, the student can be appointed a doctoral thesis mentor who does not have to participate in the teaching of the doctoral study.

List of courses and/or modules for students to choose from other doctoral university and specialist study programmes

In agreement with the mentor, the student may choose (except those offered) any subject from existing doctoral studies from the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, other Croatian universities, or other European universities whose programs comply with ects. Also, each doctoral course of molecular biosciences can be enrolled by students of other related doctoral studies of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, as well as other Croatian and foreign universities.

List of subjects and/or modules that can be performed in a foreign language (specifying a language)

All subjects of the doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences can also be performed in English.

Criteria and conditions of transfer of ECTS-credits – attribution of credit value to subjects that students can choose from other studies at the university-proposer or other universities

The study is in accordance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) European Credit Transfer System, which means that the student can, in agreement with the mentor, choose (except for the offered) any subject from the existing doctoral studies from the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, other Croatian universities, or other European universities whose programs are in accordance with the ECTS.
Also, all offered doctoral courses in Molecular Biosciences can be enrolled by students of other doctoral studies and specialist doctoral studies of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University as well as other domestic and foreign universities.

Method of completion of the study and conditions for applying the topic of the doctoral thesis

  • Procedure and conditions for accepting the topic of doctoral thesis
  • Procedure and conditions of evaluation of the doctoral thesis
  • Conditions and manner of defending the doctoral thesis

Procedure and conditions for accepting the topic of doctoral thesis
The doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences ends with the preparation and defense of the doctoral thesis. The application initiating the process of obtaining a Doctorate of Science must include: a proposal for the topic of the doctoral thesis, an explanation of the topic, the methodology of the paper, a list of literature and an indication of the expected scientific contribution. With the application of the topic, the student attaches a cv and a list of published papers. Also, the qualification papers of the mentor should be attached in the application. The application signed by the study advisor (and mentor) is submitted to the Secretariat of the Doctoral Study, and then the same is considered by the Committee for obtaining a Doctorate of Science at the interdisciplinary doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences, and the proposal to initiate the procedure of applying the topic is sent to the Council for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies.
The Council for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies , at the proposal of the Commission for obtaining a Doctorate of Science at the interdisciplinary doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences , appoints a mentor/mentor of the doctoral thesis and the Committee for acceptance of the topic of the doctoral thesis of at least three members, which within 90 days from the date of appointment submits a report with a proposal for acceptance or rejection of the topic of the doctoral thesis.

Procedure and conditions of evaluation of the doctoral thesis
The student submits to the Secretariat of the Doctoral Study doctoral thesis in electronic form (PDF) and an unrelated copy for evaluation after passing all the prescribed exams, fulfilling all the obligations established by the study program, settling all financial obligations and received the Decision of the Council for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies on accepting the topic of the doctoral thesis and appointing a mentor. The doctoral thesis must be linguistically, stylistically and technically correctly designed and aligned with modern procedures and technology of scientific papers. The Council for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies is appointed by the Committee for the Evaluation of the Doctoral Thesis at the proposal of the Commission for obtaining a Doctorate of Science at the interdisciplinary doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences. The Committee for the Evaluation of the Doctoral Thesis may propose in its report:

  • to accept the doctoral thesis and allow the student access to defend the doctoral thesis,
  • to return the doctoral thesis to the student for additions or corrections,
  • The doctor's work is rejected.

If the Commission determines that the doctoral thesis has defects that can be eliminated, the student is obliged to make a correction within 90 days from the date of receipt of the Commission's comments, otherwise he will consider that the work has been rejected.
After the report of the Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis and the acceptance of the positive assessment , the Council for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies , at the proposal of the Commission for obtaining a doctorate of science at the interdisciplinary doctoral study molecular biosciences , appoints the Committee for the Defense of the doctoral thesis with at least three members and at least one deputy and determines the date of defense of the doctoral thesis.

The defense of the doctoral thesis is public. The student defends the doctoral thesis before the Commission for the Defense of the Doctoral Thesis. A record of the defence shall be kept, signed by all members of the Commission. The minutes shall include the decision of the Commission on the defence of the doctoral thesis. The decision may be: defended by unanimous decision of the Commission, defended by a majority vote and did not defend.
A student who has not defended his doctoral thesis has the right to reapply the doctoral thesis after 90 days, but not with the same topic. A doctoral thesis that has not been defended within 10 years from the date of acceptance of the topic of the doctoral thesis is subject to a re-acceptance procedure.
The procedure for submitting the topic, approval of the topic, evaluation and defense of the doctoral thesis are determined by the Statute of the University and the Regulations on studying the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.

The conditions under which students who have discontinued their studies or have lost the right to study in one study program can continue their studies

Students who have dropped out of the study for a justified reason are admitted to passing exams with corresponding ETCS credits. The Committee for obtaining a Doctorate of Science at the interdisciplinary doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences will consider the application for the continuation of the study, and in agreement with the mentor make a decision.

Conditions under which the participant acquires the right to a certificate (certificate) on the completed part of the doctoral study program, as part of lifelong learning

The conditions under which the student acquires the right to a certificate of the completed part of the study program of the doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences are passed exams in the first and second semesters, and a scientific paper, which amounts to a total of 90 ECTS, which is a condition for issuing a certificate (certificate) on the completion of part of the study program and a prerequisite for the preparation of a doctoral thesis in the sixth semester.

Conditions and method of obtaining a Doctorate of Science by enrolling in a doctoral study and making a doctoral thesis without attending classes and passing exams.

Persons who have achieved scientific achievements that by their significance correspond to the conditions for selection to scientific titles (research associate, senior research associate, scientific advisor), and on the basis of the Decision of the competent council established by the Statute of the University on the fulfilment of the requirements for selection to these scientific titles may, without attending classes and passing exams, enroll in a doctoral study, draft and publicly defend their doctoral thesis, and with the consent of the Senate of the University to obtain a Doctorate of Science.

Maximum length of the period from the beginning to the end of the study

The doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences lasts for six semesters in accordance with the Instructions for drafting the doctoral study program proposal and the Statute of the Josip Juraj Strosssmayer University of Osijek. Classes are held during the first two semesters, and during the entire duration of the study it is envisaged that students participate in extracurricular activities and devote themselves to the preparation of the doctoral thesis. When enrolling in a full-time study program, the student is obliged to obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Science within five years or in "part-time" within 10 years, in accordance with the Ordinance on Doctoral Studies at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.

Performance study program for the 1Xth generation of students

I. Year

List of compulsory and elective subjects and/or modules with the number of hours of active teaching required for their performance and the number of ECTS-points



Course NameCourse holdersPPWITHPKECTSCipher
Biostatistics started

The headline Domagoj Šimić, zn.savjetnik-permanent choice Andrijana Rebekić

553041001More about the subject
Method of making scientific work Martina Smolić Valentina Pavić

1510041003More about the subject
Project management in science

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Tanja Žuna Pfeiffer
Dr. Sc. Maja Sabol

551541004More about the subject
Molecular biology of the cell Hrvoje Lepeduš
the Coral Gall Trošelj, ren.advisor

155541005More about the subject

ELECTORAL COURSES (methodological):

Course NameCourse holdersPPWITHPKECTSCipher
Modern experimental methods of physics in the natural sciences

Doc.dr. sc. Hrvoje Brkić Mladen Kasabašić

552561102More about the subject
Basics of magnetic resonance imaging methods

Prof. dr. sc. Srecko Valić, Scientific Advisor

551541103More about the subject
Nuclear methods for the analysis of biological materials

home doc.dr. Sc. Ivančica Bogdanović Radović, zn. Counsellor

552561104More about the subject
Application of cell and tissue cultures in biomedical research

home doc.dr. Sc. Suzana Borović Šunjić, senior zn. Associate
Dr. sc. Josipa Vlainić, Senior Research Associate

551541105More about the subject
Basics of immunochemical methods

Assoc. prof.dr. sc. Paško Konjevoda, zn. adviser

551541106More about the subject
Basic methods and goals of plant breeding Sonja Vila
The headline Alojzije Lalić, zn. Advisor-permanent choice

155541108More about the subject
Bioinformatics for beginners Andrijana Rebekić

205041110More about the subject
Molecular spectroscopy of biological systems

the Vlasta Mohaček Grošev, visa zn. Associate

552561111More about the subject
Analysis of the locus of quantitative properties

The headline Domagoj Šimić, zn. advisor-permanent choice Sonja Petrović

155541112More about the subject
Laboratory animals and biomedical research

The headline Ranko Stojković, ZN. adviser

551541113More about the subject
Models and methods for the investigation of oxidative stress in carcinogenesis

the Ana Čipak Gašparović, senior zn. Associate

551541114More about the subject
Basic methods in molecular biology and medicine

home Sc. Andreja Ambriović Ristov, zn. Counsellor
Assoc. prof.dr. sc. Neda Slade, zn. Counsellor

1552081115More about the subject
Methods of molecular diagnostics in the detection of multi-resistant bacteria Domagoj Drenjancevic

1510041116More about the subject
Microtechnics and microscopy methods Branko Dmitrović
Doc. dr. sc. Jasenka Antunović Dunić

156541117More about the subject
Ethics in biosciences

Assoc. Ivica Kelam Hrvoje Lepeduš

2051061118More about the subject

At a minimum it is necessary to collect 14 ECTS credits from the above elective methodological courses.

II Semester


From modular teaching, students must collect a minimum of 30 ECTS credits, of which at least 20 must be acquired from the course of the selected module. The remaining number of ECTS credits can be acquired by attending courses from other modules, i.e. other related studies. Students can enroll in a larger number of different courses, and thus acquire more ECTS credits, but with the obligation to maintain a relationship according to which they will spend about 30% of the working time needed for the preparation of a doctorate, and the remaining time will be used for practical work and extracurricular activity aligned with the topic of doctoral thesis.

Materials science and new technologies

Course NameCourse holdersPPWITHPKECTSCipher
Biomaterials Domagoj Drenjančević Hrvoje Brkić

1510042102More about the subject
Peptides in biological processes - potential therapeutics Katarina Mišković Špoljarić

105542105More about the subject
Genetic engineering in biotechnology

home doc.dr. Sc. Michaela Matovina, zn. Associate

1051562108More about the subject
Food additives

Prof. dr. sc. Drago Šubarić Đurđica Ačkar

205062109More about the subject
Biomolecules in food Dajana Gašo Sokač Valentina Busic

205062111More about the subject
Conservation tillage Daniel Jug Irena Jug

155042112More about the subject
Biofortification Zdenko Lončarić

205062113More about the subject
Soil conditioning methods

Assoc. Prof. Krunoslav Karalić, PhD Boris Đurđević

155042114More about the subject
Plant biostimulators Tomislav Vinković

155042115More about the subject
Application of white rotting mushrooms in biotechnology Marina Tišma

205062116More about the subject
Non-destructive methods of analyzing the properties of economic species Damir Magdić

205062117More about the subject
Interaction of food ingredients Mirela Kopjar Anita Pichler

205062118More about the subject
Advanced approach to growing crops in the Mediterranean climate

The headline Slavko Perica, zn. advisor-permanent choice

551042119More about the subject
Application of biomaterials in medical science

Assoc. Željka Perić Kačarević
Assoc. Marko Matijević

205062120More about the subject


Course NameCourse holdersPPWITHPKECTSCipher
Visualization in bioinformatics

The headline The scale, zn. advisor-permanent choice Irena Galić

552062202More about the subject
Modeling biologically important molecules and their complexes

Dr. sc. Antonija Tomić, Research Associate

552062204More about the subject
Structural bioinformatics of proteins and bioactive molecules

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Bono Lucic, zn. adviser

552062205More about the subject
IT methods of knowledge discovery Anita Papić

205562206More about the subject
INFORMATION tools in molecular biosciences

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Paško Konjevoda, zn. adviser

552062207More about the subject
Computational and advanced statistical methods in biosciences Ivana Škrlec

205562208More about the subject


Course NameCourse holdersPPWITHPKECTSCipher
Biology of tumor and normal cells

the Maya Sabol, zn. Associate

552062301More about the subject
Immunogenic transplantation

the Zorana Grubić, zn. Advisor-permanent choice
home doc.dr. Sc. Renata Žunec, zn. Counsellor

1010042302More about the subject
Supramolecular structures and oxidative stress

Dr. sc. Suzana Šegota, Scientific Advisor Hrvoje Lepeduš

155042303More about the subject
Peroxidation of lipids in the basics of oxidative stress

Dr. sc. Sandra Sobočanec, Senior Research Associate

552062304More about the subject
Free radicals, lipid peroxidation and cell growth control

title doc. Morana Jaganjac, zn. Counsellor

552062306More about the subject
Cell cycle control, maintenance of genomic integrity and carcinogenesis

Doc.dr. sc. Vjekoslav Dulić
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Neda Slade, zn. Counsellor

551042307More about the subject
Genomic DNA

home Musani, higher zn. Associate

551042308More about the subject
Mechanisms of DNA damage and repair

Title doc.dr. Sc Davor Zahradka, senior zn. associate
the Ksenia Zahradka, higher zn. Associate

552062309More about the subject
RNA and gene regulation

title prof.dr. Sc. Lily of the Valley, zn. Advisor-permanent choice

551042310More about the subject
Molecular genetics of aging and carcinogenesis

Title prof.dr. Sc. Ivica Rubelj, zn. permanent advisor

502562311More about the subject
Molecular control of hemotopoiesis and leukemogenesis

the Mariastefania Antica, zn. Advisor-permanent choice

551042312More about the subject
Cellular signal transmission

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Miroslav Lisjak John T. Hancock

155042313More about the subject
Protecting animal welfare in scientific research

Assoc. prof.dr. sc. Ranko Stojković, ZN. adviser

552062314More about the subject

the Morana Lamb, zn. Counsellor

552062315More about the subject

Marine Biology

Course NameCourse holdersPPWITHPKECTSCipher
Molecular toxicology of the sea Maja Fafanđel

552062401More about the subject
Metal ions and organic matter in natural waters

The headline Vlado Cuculić, senior zn. associate

551042402More about the subject
The impact of stress on aquatic organisms

Prof. dr. sc. Davor Lučić

552062403More about the subject
Genomic manipulation in aquaculture Branko Glamuzina

552062404More about the subject
Growing plankton Dubravka Špoljarić Maronić

552062405More about the subject
Ecology of the sea

Prof. dr. sc. Davor Lučić

551042406More about the subject
Fish in biomedical research

The headline Tvrtko Smital, zn. advisor-permanent choice

552062407More about the subject
Biology of important animal species in the Adriatic Branimir Hackenberger Kutuzović

2010062409More about the subject

Plant biology

Course NameCourse holdersPPWITHPKECTSCipher
Organization and function of plant cells Hrvoje Lepeduš

255062501More about the subject
Structure and function of plant proteins

Assoc. Rosemary Vukovic

255062502More about the subject
Kinetics of enzymatic reactions Valentina Pavić

205562503More about the subject
Developmental biology of plants Jasenka Antunović Dunić

255062504More about the subject
Molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress in plants Tihana Teklić Hrvoje Lepeduš

255062505More about the subject
Herbal toxicity tests Janja Horvatić

205562506More about the subject
Quantitative and population genetics in plant breeding

The headline Georg Dresner, zn. advisor-permanent choice Sonja Petrović

205562507More about the subject
Molecular biology of photosynthetic organisms Hrvoje Lepeduš

205562509More about the subject
Structural genomics

The headline Miroslav Plohl, meritorious scientist
the Eva Šatović

551042510More about the subject
Phytopathogenic mushrooms in plant production Jasenka Ćosić Karolina Vrandečić

255062511More about the subject
Tissue culture and genetic transformation of plants

the Snježana Mihaljević, senior zn. Associate

551042512More about the subject
Plant hormones: from biosynthesis to actuality

the Snježana Mihaljević, senior zn. Associate

552062513More about the subject
Analysis of genetic diversity of plants

The headline Domagoj Šimić, zn. advisor-permanent choice Sonja Petrović

205562515More about the subject
Molecular physiology of plant nutrition Tihana Teklić Zdenko Lončarić

205562516More about the subject
Use of Mediterranean genetic resources of plants

The headline Goran Zdunić, senior zn. associate
the Irena Budić-Leto, zn. telugu

551042517More about the subject


Course NameCourse holdersPPWITHPKECTSCipher
Personal medicine - predictive medicine and pharmacogenetics

the Sanja Kapitanović, ZN. Advisor-permanent choice

551042601More about the subject
Genetics of neurodegenerative diseases

Assoc. Silva Katušić Hećimović, zn. Counsellor

551042602More about the subject
Molecular biology of psychological disorders

Assoc. prof.dr. sc. Dubravka Švob Štrac, higher zn. Associate

551042603More about the subject
Metabolic genetic changes in acute, chronic and malignant diseases of the pancreas

Assoc. Neda Slade, zn. Advisor in permanent selection

501542604More about the subject
Functional genomics

Assoc. Marijeta Kralj, zn. Advisor-permanent choice

55532605More about the subject
Tumor suppressor GENE P53 and its relatives

Assoc. prof.dr. sc. Neda Slade, zn. Counsellor
Assoc. prof.dr. sc. Marietta the King, zn. Advisor-permanent choice

55022606More about the subject
Gene treatment: Experimental and clinical aspects Katarina Mišković Špoljarić Saska Marczi

155042607More about the subject
Introduction to nanomedicine Ivna Štolfa Čamagajevac
Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Vinković, Ph.D.

55322608More about the subject
Structural features of nucleic acids and organic molecules as anti-sea drugs

The headline Ivo Piantanida, zn. advisor-permanent choice

551552609More about the subject
The role of iron in chronic and malignant diseases Ines Drenjančević

155552610More about the subject
Molecular bases of metastasizing

Assoc. prof.dr. sc. Maja Herak Bosnar, zn. Counsellor

501032611More about the subject
Combination of therapies and mechanisms in the treatment of malignant diseases

The headline Peter Ozretić, zn. associate Lidija Beketić Orešković

551042612More about the subject
Resistance of tumor cells to therapy

the Anamaria Brozović, Scientific Advisor

551042613More about the subject
Pathophysiology process of blood clotting in tumor diseases

Slavica Kvolik

105542614More about the subject
Molecular mechanisms of immunopathophysiological response in systemic inflammatory response and sepsis

Prof. Jerko Barbić
Prof. Ines Drenjančević

205562616More about the subject
Basics of nutrigenomics Ljubica Glavaš-Obrovac

205052617More about the subject
Inhaled anesthetics in scientific research

Slavica Kvolik

155042619More about the subject
Multi-resistant bacteria - source, evolution and detection methods Domagoj Drenjancevic Ivana Haršanji Drenjancevic

155042620More about the subject
Liver pathophysiology Alexander Vchev Martina Smolić

205562621More about the subject
Viral oncology

The headline Vjekoslav Tomaić, senior. zn. Associate

551042622More about the subject

Second and third year of study

Year II

Semester III

Each student under the guidance of a study advisor /mentor begins scientific research on the basis of which they will make a scientific paper. Ultimately, these researches may or may not be part of a doctoral thesis.
Based on the scientific paper, points are earned upon receipt of the notification of the printing of the paper or when the paper is published in a journal. The student should achieve 30 ECTS based on publications under ordinal number 1, 2 and 3.
The points achieved on the basis of the scientific work are proposed by the study advisor with the consent of the study leader, and are confirmed by the Council for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies.
A student who has previously completed a cognate postgraduate study and obtained the degree of Master of Science in this semester earns 30 ECTS.

Semester IV

During the 4th semester, the student actively participates in various extracurricular activities (described in the table) and with the publication of the results achieves a certain number of ECTS (minimum 30 ECTS credits).
Credits earned in extracurricular activities are proposed by a study advisor with the consent of the study leader, and are confirmed by the Commission for obtaining a Doctorate of Science.


Scoring scientific papers:

1.Original scientific paper in the journal represented in the bases of WoS (Web of Science), Scopus and Medline (Q1, Q2, Q3)30
2.Original scientific paper in the journal represented in the bases of WoS, Scopus and Medline (Q4)20
3.Original scientific paper cited in other databases10
4.Chapter in the book15
5.Congressional statement in an international review magazine10
6.Congressional communiqué in the proceedings or oral presentation at an international meeting10
7.Congress summary in the proceedings5

Extracurricular activities:

Invited lecture held (e.g. in a professional society)Max. 5
Professional excursionsMax. 5
Round table - organizationMax. 5
Participation in a domestic or international meeting without a statement2
Study stay in the laboratory (up to 1 month)Max. 10
Study stay in the laboratory (up to 2 months)Max. 20


Year III

V. semester

During the fifth semester, the student actively participates in various extracurricular activities and with the publication of the results achieves a certain number of ECTS (minimum 30 ECTS credits).
Credits earned in extracurricular activities are proposed by a study advisor with the consent of the study leader, and are confirmed by the Commission for obtaining a Doctorate of Science.
Also, during the fifth semester, the student should prepare an application for the topic of the doctorate (if he did not apply for it earlier). The application for the topic of the doctoral thesis carries 10 ECTS.

Semester VI

Preparation of the doctoral thesis and defense brings 30 ECTS.

  1. The student must make a doctoral thesis that should be linguistically, stylistically and technically correct and harmonized with modern procedures and technology of making scientific papers;
  2. A student does not have to write a doctoral thesis separately if he has written scientific papers according to one of the criteria: 3 scientific papers (original scientific paper, full paper) in journals represented in the WoSCC database (Q1, Q2, Q3) of which at least one is above the average significance factor (Q1 or Q2), or two scientific papers represented in the WoSCC database with an above average significance factor (Q1 or Q2) or exceptionally one paper in a journal represented in the WoSCC database belonging to in the top 10% ranked in the Q1 group. The papers should be connected in a whole according to the rules prescribed by the Council for Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies;
  3. The student must be the lead author on all papers and have at least 70% contribution in each individual work.

In accordance with the above, the student must defend his doctoral thesis before the Commission for the Defense of the Doctoral Thesis.

Learning outcomes by subject

Study learning outcomes

  1. Integrate acquired knowledge and skills into your own field of work and the field of scientific research;
  2. Evaluate current scientific knowledge and apply them in their own field of work and in the field of scientific research;
  3. Create original links of acquired knowledge and skills with different scientific fields when solving problems within your own field of work and the field of scientific research;
  4. Predict possible links between different scientific fields and set original hypotheses;
  5. Design experimental procedures by applying and/or modifying known procedures for testing original hypotheses;
  6. Integrate the skills of using computer programs and statistical procedures in the analysis of own results and critical evaluation of the results published in scientific papers;
  7. Conclude on the basis of the results of the research and elaborate on causal links and possible wider application in other scientific fields and society;
  8. Present the results of research using a system of scientific communication and understandably present them to the general public;
  9. Recognize the value of one's own work and scientific research for social gain;
  10. Act in accordance with ethical principles during the conduct of research, in academia and in society in general.
  11. Manage your own professional development by self-assessing possible aspects of improving your own work and scientific research and act accordingly with this planning and project management.

Illustration of the coherence of study learning outcomes and individual subjects.

The numbers listed next to each subject code indicate the learning outcomes listed in the subject program.

1001    1.1.;   
1003   1.   2.3. 4. 
1004          1.;2.; 3.;4.
11021. 2.1. 3.     
1103 3.1.,2. 4.      
11041.;2. 3.4.        
11051.;2.   3. 4.    
11061.2.;3.4.  3.     
11081.;2.; 3.;4.  5.       
11111.;2.; 3.;4.5.         
11121.;2.; 3.4.  5.      
11131.;2.; 3.   4. 4.    
11141.;2.; 3.   4.      
11151.2.  3.      
11161.;2. 3.        
11171.;2.; 3.;4.; 5.6.         
1118 4.       1.;2.; 3. 
21021.;2.; 3.;4.; 5.          
21051.;2. 3.;4.        
21081.;2.; 3. 4.        
21091.;2.; 3.       4.  
21111.;2.; 3.4.         
21121.;2.; 3.       4.  
21131.;2.; 4.3.      5.  
21141.;3.; 4.       2.  
21151.,2.; 3.;4.; 5.          
21161.;3.       2.;4.  
21171.    3.;4.  2.;4.  
21181.;2.       3.;4.  
21191.;2.4.3.     4.  
22021.;4. 2.  3.     
22041.;2.; 3.;4.; 5.          
22051.;2.; 3.    4.     
22061.; 2.;3. 4.      
2207     1.;2.; 3;4     
2208     1.;2.; 4.3.    
23021.;3.2.   4.     
23031.;2.; 3.       4.  
23041.;2.; 3.       4.  
23061.2. 3.4.      
23071.;2.3.  4.      
23081.;2.; 3.     4.    
23091;2.; 3.;4.       5.  
23111.;2.; 3.;4.; 5.       6.  
2312    1.;2.2.2.;3.; 4.2.4.  
23131.;2.; 3.4.         
2314         1.;2.; 3.;4. 
2315 1.;4.3. 2.      
24011.    4.  2.;3. 5.
24021.;2.; 3.4. 5.    4.  
24031.;2.; 3.4.      5. 5.
24041.;3.       2.4.  
24051.;3.; 4.       2.  
24061.       2.;3.; 4  
24071.;2. 5. 4.    3. 
24081.   4.   2.;3.  
24091.;3.       2.4. 
25011.;2.; 3.4.         
25021.;2.; 3.;4.   5. 6.    
25031.;2.; 3.;4.          
25041.;2.3. 4.5.      
25051.;2.; 3.;4.; 5.          
25061.;2.4.    3. 5.  
25071.;2.; 4.   3.      
25091.;2.; 3.;4.          
25101.;2.; 3.4.      3.;4.; 5.  
25121.;3.; 4.5.  2.      
25131.;2.       1.;4.  
25152.;3.    4.    1.
25161.;3.4.      2.  
25171.;4.    3.  2.  
26011.;4.5.      2.;3.3. 
26021.;2.; 3.4.         
26031.;3.; 4   5.   2.  
26041.;2.; 4.       3.3. 
26051.;3.; 4.5.      2.  
26061.;2.; 3.       4.  
26071.;3.2.      4.5. 
26083.     4. 1.2. 
26091.;2.   4.   3.  
26101.5.      2.;3.; 4.  
26111.;3.2.        4.
26121.;2.; 3. 5. 4.      
26131.;2.   3.   4.  
26141.;2.; 3.   5.   4.  
26161.;2.; 3.;5.4.         
26171.;2.; 3.4.         
26201.;2.; 3.;5.       4.  
26211.;2.; 3.       4.  
26221.;2.; 3.;4.; 5.;6.          

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