Cipher: 2511
Nomenclature: Phytopathogenic mushrooms in plant production
Study programme: Molecular biosciences
Module: Plant biology
Case holder: Jasenka Ćosić Karolina Vrandečić

Institution of the case holder:

Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek

Contributors - Contractors:
Subject status: Electoral College
The year in which the case is submitted: Year I
The semester in which the case is submitted: Semester II
Subject objective:

Understand the role of phytopathogenic fungi in the production of food from fields to finished products.

Case contents:

The most important genera of phytopathogenic fungi and their characteristics. Influence of environmental factors on phytopathogenic fungi. Influence of phytopathogenic fungi on the yield and quality of the most important arable crops (wheat, corn, sunflower, soybeans). Phytopathogenic seed-borne mushrooms. Secondary metabolites of fungi. The possibilities of combating phytopathogenic fungi.

Learning outcomes: competences, knowledge, skills that the subject develops:

1. To determine the systematics of phytopathogenic fungi.
2. Review the impact of environmental factors on the development of phytopathogenic fungi.
3. To assess the influence of phytopathogenic fungi on the yield and quality of the most important arable crops.
4. Assess the possibilities of combating phytopathogenic fungi
5. Propose new or improved ways of producing food by manipulating phytopathogenic fungi based on literature in the field of phytopathology.

ECTS Credits 6
Lectures 25
Seminars (IS) 5
Exercises (E) 0
Altogether 30
The way of teaching and acquiring knowledge:

attendance, active participation in lectures, preparation of seminar work

Ways of teaching and acquiring knowledge: (notes)
Monitoring and evaluating students (mark in fat printing only relevant categories) Attendance, Teaching activities, Mandatory seminar work
Rating method: Oral exam, Essay/Seminar, 9
Mandatory literature:

Bockus, W.W., Bowden, R.L., Hunger, R.M., Morill, R.M., Murray, T.D., Smiley, R.W. (2010) Compendium of Wheat Diseases and Pests. APS Press.
Harveson, R.M., Hanson, L.E., Hein, G.L. (2009): Comependium of Beet Deiseases and Pests. APS Press.
Agrios, G.N. (2005): Plant pathology. General Aspects. Academic Press, New York.
Agrios, G.N. (2005): Plant Pathology. Specific Plant Diseases. Academic Press, New York.
Leonard, K. J., Bushnell, W. R. (2003): Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat and Barley. APS, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Kozakiewicz, Z. (1994): Aspergillus, p. 575-606. In Foodborne Diseases Handbook; Diseases Caused by Viruses, Parasites and Fungi. Edited by Hui Y.H., Gorham R.J., Murrell K.D., Cliver D.O., Marcel Dekker, Inc. York.
Marasas, W. F. O., Nelson, P. E., Toussoun, T. A. (1984): Toxigenic Fusarium Species. Identity and Mycotoxicology. The Pennsylvania State University Press. University Park and London.

Supplementary (recommended) literature:

1. Jurković, D., Ćosić, J., Vrandečić, K., Ilić, J. (2014): Mycopopulation of weeds of Eastern Slavonia and Baranja. Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek.
2. Ćosić, J., Vrandečić, K., Jurković, D. (2014): The Effect of Essential Oils on the Development of Phytopathogenic Fungi. In the book of Sharma N. et al. "Biological Controls for Preventing Food Deterioration – Strategies for Pre- and Postharvest Management", 273-292. Wiley Blackwell, UK.
3. Ivanovic, M.S., Ivanovic, D.M. (2001): Mycosis and pseudomicosis of plants. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture.
4. Jurković, D., Ćosić, J. (2004): Sunflower diseases. In the book Vratarić M. et al. "Sunflower Helianthus annuus L.", 283-328. Agricultural Institute Osijek.
5. Shaw, D.H., Lucas, G.B. (1991): Compendium of Tobacco Diseases. APS Press.

How to monitor the quality and performance performance (evaluation):

Interviews with doctoral students about the content of the subject and ways of presentation as well as how to hold exams.
The success of the course will be evaluated annually by the joint expert committee of the Rudjer Boskovic Institute, the University of Dubrovnik and the University of Osijek.