Publication of doctoral thesis

Publication of the doctoral thesis entitled "Contribution of gamma delta(ɣδ) T lymphocytes in the development of type 2 inflammation in the synonasal mucosa of patients with chronic allergic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis", Stjepan Grga Milanković, MD, phD student of the molecular biosciences

The doctoral thesis entitled "Contribution of gamma delta(ɣδ) T lymphocytes in the development of type 2 inflammation in the synonasal mucosa of patients with chronic allergic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis", by Stjepan Grga Milanković, MD, phD student of molecular biosciences is available on the study website from December 12, 2023...


Lecture Alumni: "A good voice is heard far and without messenger RNA: The role of non-coding RNA molecules in the regulation of the Hedgehog-GLI signaling pathway in serous high grade ovarian cancer" Petar Ozretić

Dear alumni and students of the Doctoral Study of Molecular Biosciences, we invite you to a lecture by Petar Ozretić, senior research associate of the Ruđer Bošković Institute entitled: "A good voice is heard far without messenger RNA: The role of non-coding RNA molecules in the regulation of the Hedgehog-GLI signaling pathway in serous high grade ovarian cancer" which...

Defense of doctoral thesis

Invitation to public defense of the doctoral thesis mirela Ćelić Ružić, MD

The public defense of the doctoral thesis entitled "The connection of systematic oxidative stress with the severity of psychotic symptoms during longitudinal monitoring of patients with acute psychotic episode" by Mirela Ćelić Ružić, MD, phD student of the doctoral study molecular biosciences will be held on November 14, 2023 in the hall of the 1st Wing of the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Bijenička cesta 54,...

Defending the topic of doctoral thesis

Invitation to public defense of the topic of the doctoral thesis "Characterization by satellite of mealybugs from the genus Tribolium" Damira Veseljak, mag. Biol. mol., phD students of molecular biosciences

Public defense of the topic of the doctoral thesis entitled "Characterization of the satellite of mealybugs from the genus Tribolium" Damira Veseljak, mag. Biol. Mol., a phD student in Molecular Biosciences, will be held on November 9, 2023. in the Library V. krila of the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Bijenička cesta 54, starting at 12.30 pm. Chairman of the Committee dr. ...

Defending the topic of doctoral thesis

Call for public defense of the topic of the doctoral thesis entitled "Melt and KANK proteins in integrin αVβ5 mediated focal and reticular adhesions in melanoma cells MDA-MB-435S" by Marija Lončarić, mag. Ing. biotechn., phD students of molecular biosciences.

Call for public defense of the topic of the doctoral thesis entitled "Melt and KANK proteins in integrin αVβ5 mediated focal and reticular adhesions in melanoma cells MDA-MB-435S" by Marija Lončarić, mag. Ing. biotechn., phD students of molecular biosciences. Public defense of the doctoral thesis entitled "Melts and KANK proteins in integrin...


Educational workshop for mentors of interdisciplinary doctoral studies

An educational workshop for mentors of interdisciplinary doctoral studies was held on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 in the premises of the Rectorate of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. The workshop was opened and greeted by the gathered teachers prof. dr. sc. Sonja Vila, Vice-Rector for Science, Technology, Projects and International Cooperation of the University...

Publication of doctoral thesis

Publication of the doctoral thesis "Correlation of systematic oxidative stress with the severity of psychotic symptoms during longitudinal monitoring of patients with acute psychotic episode" by Mirela Ćelić Ružić, MD

The doctoral thesis entitled "The relationship between systematic oxidative stress and the severity of psychotic symptoms during longitudinal monitoring of patients with acute psychotic episode" by Mirela Ćelić Ružić, MD, phD student in Molecular Biosciences is available on the website of the study from October 3, 2023 at the following link (PDF). Committee...



Educational workshop for mentors of interdisciplinary doctoral studies will be held on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, by hybrid means: contact at the Rectorate Hall of the J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3; for participants outside Osijek virtually using the Zoom application. Participants who will follow the workshop...

Publication of doctoral thesis

Publication of the doctoral thesis "Effect of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on apical periodontitis caused by exposure of tooth pulp in rats" by Martina Juzbašić, MD Dent.

Doctoral thesis entitled "Effect of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on apical periodontitis caused by exposure of tooth pulp in rats" by Martina Juzbašić, MD dent., a phD student in Molecular Biosciences is available on the study website from September 6, 2023 at the following link. Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral thesis...


Exam notice from the course Molecular Cell Biology

Dear colleagues, the exam in molecular biology of cells will be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences osijek (L. Jägera 9, Osijek) in the period from 16 to 000, in classroom no. 36 (I floor).