
Notice of seminar/exam in methodology of scientific work

The seminar/exam in the Methodology of drafting scientific work will be held on Friday January 20, 2023 from 4 to 7 p.m. and Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or until we finish, via the MS Teams platform. All students should attend both dates, each...


Lecture schedule Methodological courses - 9th generation of participants

COLLEGE HOLDER VENUE (date, venue, address, room, start-indicate hourly rate) 1. Basic methods in molecular biology and medicine 15P/5S/20V 8ECTS Izv.prof.dr.sc. Andreja Ambriović Ristov Izv.prof.dr.sc. Neda Slade IRB, Zagreb 14-16.10.2022. 21-23.10.2022. 28.-30.10.2022. 4.- 6.11.2022. 2. Modern experimental methods of physics in the natural sciences 5P/5S/25V...


Test terms for the subject Molecular cell biology:

1st deadline: ZAGREB: 7.7.2022., 18.00-20.00 lecture hall I. wings Ivan Supek 2nd deadline: OSIJEK: 15.7.2022., 17.00-19.00 Department of Biology, lecture hall 201/2nd floor. 3rd deadline: ZAGREB: 15.9.2022., 17.00-19.00 lecture hall I. wing Ivan Supek 4th deadline: OSIJEK: 23.9.20220., 18.00-20.00 Department of Biology, lecture hall 201/2. floor. Students are obliged to...


Notice of exams from the course Biology of the station

Dear colleagues, we ask anyone who wishes to enter the exam term from the course Molecular Biology of the Station (17.09. – Zagreb and 24.09. – Osijek) to come forward no later than Wednesday (15.09.), ending by 12:00 pm, due to the need to reserve space at the IRB and the Department...


Invitation to apply for a PhD in microbiology in Germany

As part of the externally funded project "Development and evaluation of peat-reduced production systems in horticulture – Entwicklung und Bewertung von torfreduzierten Produktionssystemen im Gartenbau (ToPGa)", you will contribute to research in Subproject 2: Microbiology and Human Pathogens. The aims are to assess the impact...