Molecular biosciences
Defense of doctoral thesis

Invitation to public defense of the doctoral thesis mirela Ćelić Ružić, MD

The public defense of the doctoral thesis entitled "The connection of systematic oxidative stress with the severity of psychotic symptoms during longitudinal monitoring of patients with acute psychotic episode" by Mirela Ćelić Ružić, MD, phD, participant of the doctoral study of Molecular Biosciences will be held on November 14, 2023 in the hall of the 1st Wing of the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Bijenička cesta 54, starting at 10.00 am.

Committee for Public Defense of the Doctoral Thesis:

The doctoral thesis entitled "Association of systemic oxidative stress with the severity of psychotic symptoms during longitudinal monitoring of patients with acute psychotic episode" by Mirela Ćelić Ružić, MD, phD student in molecular biosciences is available on the study website from October 3, 2023 at the following link (PDF).

Dr. sc. Morana Jaganjac,
President of the Committee

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