Molecular biosciences

Invitation to apply for a PhD in microbiology in Germany

As part of the externally funded project "Development and evaluation of peat-reduced production systems in horticulture – Entwicklung und Bewertung von torfreduzierten Produktionssystemen im Gartenbau (ToPGa)", you will contribute to research in Subproject 2: Microbiology and Human Pathogens. The aims are to assess the impact of peat-reduced sub-strates on the plant and its microbiome, as well as to test whether such substrates could be a source of human pathogens in agricultural production systems. In the course of climate change, the protection of peatlands is becoming increasingly important, leading to a significant reduction in the use of peat in media used for plant. growth. Pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms are focus of this subproject.

Download the call here. [PDF]

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